Return to School

On the first day of school, I sent out a Blackboard phone message informing parents that I would be taking a medical leave of absence beginning the following morning, September 4th. As most of you have probably learned since then, I underwent a double bypass operation on September 5th. I am happy to report that I have been given a clean bill of health by my surgeon and my cardiologist. I will be returning to Tomahawk Creek Middle School tomorrow, October 7th on a part time basis and hope to return full time beginning October 14th.

While I have really missed being at school (I have never missed more than 3 days during any school year), I can never fully thank you for the kind words and cards. We talk all the time about being a family, and this incident has just reinforced what a special place we are at. I feel more than ever like our community is the best place in the world to be a part of. Thank you.

In the coming weeks, I will be posting here on a more regular basis. While there is no schedule that I am going to follow, the postings will be more frequent. If there are any ideas for topics that you would like for me to cover, just send me an e-mail at

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